Hello Maker Faire Saskatoon Community!

At Maker Faire we promote STEAM activities through various DIY science and technology projects, educational workshops, whimsical display & art, hand-made crafts, robots and so much more mostly through hands-on activities. The passion and dedication of exhibitors is what makes this event truly fun. Attendees are directly in contact with the Makers, who take time to teach and instruct them through hands-on demonstrations. Interactive exhibits are a staple of Maker Faire!

Considering the provincial and federal health restrictions put in place 6 weeks before this year’s Maker Faire we decided to cancel the Spring 2020 edition. To all of you who are actively helping in creating fabric masks, mask extenders, shields and more using your crafty knowledge – THANK YOU and keep up the good work!

While waiting for the next in-person Maker Faire (hopefully Spring 2021), we are assembling an Online Edition of Saskatoon Maker Faire! Click the link below to participate and share your creations with the world!

Stay safe and follow social distancing!

Valérie & Kurtis Wanner




Visit the Make: Community website for a plenitude of suggested ideas to nourish your brain during this confinement. The Make: Project section will help you find build suggestions and get you started; Ideas for all ages!


Also you will find regular Live Facebook / YouTube videos by renowned Makers on the Family Maker Camp Facebook page.